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About the Trustees

Teacher Trustees

Halifax Region – Krissy Brewer – krissybrewer@nstu.ca
Strait Region – Janie Lumsden – jclumsden@nstu.ca
Tri-County/South Shore Region – Byron Butt – byronbutt@nstu.ca
Chignecto Region – Wade VanSnick – wtvansnick@nstu.ca
Annapolis Region – Karen Nottage – klnottage@nstu.ca
Cape Breton Region – Joël Chiasson – jachiasson@nstu.ca

Employer Trustees

NS Government – Andrew Coates 
NS Government – Sherman England
NSCC - Bruce Spares

NSTU Staff Liaisons 

Staff Liaison Officer – Kyle Marryatt – kmarryatt@staff.nstu.ca
Staff Liaison Officer – Paul Boudreau – pboudreau@staff.nstu.ca

If you have any questions, or would like a presentation, please contact the Teacher Trustee from your region listed above.

The Role of the Trustee

Each Trustee, upon appointment by the Provincial Executive of the NSTU, must sign a copy of the Trust Deed and abide by the legal requirements of that document. Each Trustee is appointed for a term of five years, and is required to maintain STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY in relation to all matters referred to the Trustees. The Insurance Trustees have the responsibility to operate the plans in the best interest of the members.

The Trustees shall:

  • Determine the level of benefits or options to be offered;
  • Set up and invest any dividends, refunds or other funds;
  • Appoint Consultants/Brokers/Administrators;
  • Appoint the underwriting companies;
  • Appoint auditors to audit the Trust Fund.

Additional Responsibilities:

  • Review and monitor claims (on a monthly basis);
  • Determine the level and method of communications with the members;
  • Keep abreast of new products or benefits available on the market;
  • Be aware of any changes in federal or provincial legislation that may affect any of the plans regarding taxability;
  • Review requests from members for additional or expanded benefits;
  • Attend seminars or conferences applicable to the field of insurance;
  • Review problem claims to see that the insurance contract is being honoured;
  • Do market surveys to determine the competitiveness of the current premium rates.

Insurance Updates

The Trustees publish a regular column in The Teacher providing current information and updates on insurance for the membership. To peruse these columns, click here.