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Reserve Members

Benefits at a Glance

The NSTU Insurance Profile is the main source of Group Insurance and Insurance Services information.

Reserve Members can view the full Insurance Profile (PDF) here.

Group Insurance for Reserve Members

Certification must be received from the Regional Centre for Education that you applied for and were available for substitute teaching.

A substitute teacher for the purpose of being considered for the Nova Scotia Teachers Group Insurance Plans shall:

  1. be a Reserve Member of the Nova Scotia Teachers Union (Click here to apply for Reserve Membership);
  2. have taught at least (15 ) days in the Province of Nova Scotia in the previous and/or current school years;
  3. if application for the Group Insurance Plan is made part way through the school year, the substitute teacher must have taught at least fifteen (15) days in the Province of Nova Scotia in the previous and/or current school years to maintain benefits past August 31st;
  4. be a resident of the Province of Nova Scotia during the school year;
  5. provide the Johnson Inc. with proof of number of days substituted (proof must be In the form of a letter from Regional Centre for Education or a copy of pay stub(s )indicating days taught in the current school year); and
  6. promptly pay all premiums (see cancellation of policies).